1 Simple Trick to Lowering Your Cholesterol with Food

Working on lowering your cholesterol is a bit more than just eating healthy foods.

Food preparation is also one way of lowering your cholesterol.

Foods cooked with monounsaturated fats is one way (canola, peanuts and olive oil).

Minimize the use of hydrogenated and vegetable oils (shortening or lard and margarine).

Rather than frying- baking, broiling, roasting and grill meat is best.

Reduce eating processed foods and minimize saturated fats (organ meats, egg yolks, whole milk, and dairy products). (You don't have to cut these out 100% but you should reduce these)

Opt for low-fat dairy products and lessen your sugar, salt and alcohol intake.

Fish is highly recommended because it has omega-3 fatty acids. It helps lower the blood lipid levels.

As much as possible, avoid fast food restaurants. Most of their menu has high sodium and fat content.

Which of these are hard for you to let go of?

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